California is funny and so are the seasons. Unlike most of the US which can count Fall, Winter and Spring as seasons, California has other kinds of seasons. We have The Rainy Season, The Fire Season, The Mudslide Season and The Earthquake Season or I guess you could say we have natural disaster seasons. I guess, bad traffic and weirdo seasons are the price we have to pay the weather gods for not having Fall, Winter and Spring. I am not complaining. I quite like having varying degrees of summer through out the year but it's way funny when the weather changes drastically in one day because everybody goes ballistic. I am pretty sure the folks in Wisconsin don't call for a weather watch when fall hits their state. But here in kooky LA people freak out at the slightest change. People on Facebook yelling its too hot, its too cold or something to the effect that the weather sucks. I really want to shout out "Chill Out Stupids! You live in friggin CA not Kansas. If you do...