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Showing posts from August, 2012

Penny's Summer Vacation

So this past week Penny's grandparents (LaLa and Grandpa Rich) came to visit from Michigan. Instead of staying at home we decided to take a road trip up the coast of Northern California. We drove up to Pismo Beach for a few days and then we drove down the coast and stayed in Santa Barbara for a few days. Over a course of 5 days we went to Avila Farm and fed animals, had seafood lunch in Morro Bay, went to the San Luis Obispo Farmer's Market, had lunch at the Madonna Inn, hung out at the beach in Pismo, collected seashells along the shore, went shopping at Macy's for baby clothes, visited the Santa Barbara Aquarium and of course, ate and went to the beach some more. Some Penny milestone's over our vacation were: 1. Swimming in a baby pool for the first time (at home before leaving on our road trip) 2. Touching sand for the first time 3. Touching waves as they came to shore 4. Going into the ocean with Daddy and Mommy in Santa Barbara 5. Swimming in a big people