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Showing posts from October, 2013


For the fourth year in a row we have attended Moses' daycare Halloween bash or rather Howl-o-ween bash. Its always a fun little party to go to mostly to see what other people dress their doggies up as. Some of the doggie parents ready get into this holiday and the result are super fun costumes. This ears winner was Miss Piggy holding Kermit. Don't ask how just imagine! We went through the bins in our garage and decided to dress Moses up as a hot dog. A few years back Brian purchased several dog costumes for Moses at an after halloween sale at target. So each year we go to the bin to see what he will be. A hot dog seemed to be suiting for this year as Moses went balls out crazy for the bobbing for weenies game. He always likes this game but this year he really didn't want to leave the game and infact, tried his very best to pull his way back over to the game time and time again. Penny had a great time as she has discovered she loves small dogs. Well this party had a l

Penny's Walt Disney World Vacation

A lot of people said we were crazy to go to DisneyWorld with a toddler but I have to say it was one of my favorite vacations ever! I was super nervous about flying with Penny for the first time but like all things I really shouldn't have worried about it as it turned out better than expected. Penny did stay up until about 15 minutes after take off and then she fell sound asleep. I wish I had done the same but alas, as a mom you can't help but worry. Penny probably could have slept more than 5 hours on the plane but alas the landing gear started making it noise, the pilot came on the loud speaker and of course, they always turn those bright lights on when you are on a red eye to alert you that it is morning where you have landed. The combination of those things woke up Penny. We landed in Miami, Florida and didn't have to make but a short trip to our connecting flight to Orlando. Penny decided she didn't want to miss out on the early morning action and stayed up.

Underwood Farms

Last year, when Penny was a baby people were telling me I needed to go to Underwood Family Farms to get our pumpkins. I didn't think we would have too much fun with a baby so I saved their suggestion for this year and they were right we did have a ton of fun! Located about an hour from LA there is a this huge family farm filled with all kinds of activities from hay rides to tractor slides and more. We went for a few hours but could have stayed longer as there were so many activities. The best part was that we came home with three pumpkins from their huge pumpkin patch! We can't wait to carve them!

The Universe Ejected Me

I woke up this past Tuesday, October 1st and Penny wasn't feeling good so I called in sick. At 11am I received a call from my big boss and an HR person that I was being laid off. One of 110 people in a corporate restructure. I knew it had been coming as I hadn't been in a good situation since coming back from maternity leave. It was to the point that something had to give. What gave was my job. All day, everyone kept asking me if I was okay and surprisingly, I felt set free from a toxic situation. Mad of course but freed. I guess you really don't know how bad things are until the universe ejects you from a situation and that is how I feel. I feel that God took me out a bad situation. I am staying positive about the whole situation and looking forward to what the future holds. Most of all I am enjoying my time with Penny. This situation has given me the unique opportunity to be able to spend time with the dearest of dear little girls and for that I am grateful. Luckily