So this morning I was having a discussion with my boss when all of the sudden my desk moves to the left and then to the right and it wasn't no baby move, it was like a huge shift!!!! Then the entire floor, as in the entire 4th floor (the top floor) of my building started shaking and swaying back and forth. It took us about 15 secs to realize what was going on and my boss told me to get up and get in the the door frame. Everyone was hugging their door frame and little Emily was under her desk. The whole thing lasted under a minute but I was freaked out!!! I have experienced a few small quakes in the past but never one like this. My building is on rollers and boy, did we have a good shake! It ain't fun rolling back and forth and knowing you are a couple stories up in the air! Luckily, 5.4 wasn't big enough to knock a lot of stuff off the walls (except a picture frame in my boss' office). I was already frightened that the walls were moving. Not sure if I could ...
One momma's experiences in the City of Angels.