The thing about inspiration is once it gets going it’s absolutely an amazing thing! Over a month ago, parents sat down and tried to figure out what the heck we would do to replace a most beloved in-person MLK event in pandemic times.
What grew out of that meeting was something extremely special and proves a point, that kindness even in it’s littlest form matters. Last night 12 children out of 123 that participated, volunteered to speak about their month long acts of service within their home/neighborhoods (1 child spoke from Brazil where her family got stuck in the pandemic) via a Zoom celebration.
These kids were amazeballs! Our teachers were amazeballs! Our administration were amazeballs! I about cried when the principle said “my soul feels full” and when another teacher declared “Kindness is our Jam!” ...just so moved to have witnessed a teeny tiny idea blossom into such inspiration.
This project was OPTIONAL, the kids didn’t have to do it on top of all their other work, the teachers didn’t have to talk about it or support it in their classrooms but sooo many people did support it and they WOW’d on so many levels....and truly inspiring especially in a times like these. The cherry on top was LAUSD presented school with a certificate of kindness. 🍒