Somehow, someway, I managed to wake up to my 40th birthday. I know, I know, many people say 40 is just a number but it means old. Only 10 more years until 50. 20 years to 60. I think I may be having a mid-life crisis which started when a high number of people at malls started offering me facial cremes for my...wait for it... wrinkles. With each offer, they were clearly insinuating that I had a ton of lines and that I was OLD. It wasn't just one person but several and if several people offer you facial creme for must be old! I couldn't go to any mall in Southern California without someone mentioning my wrinkles. WTH! Now I am obsessed with my face. I bought face cream but it made my face break out. I bought eye cream and after applying once my eyes blew up like the State Puff Marshmallow Man, apparently I am allergic to eye creme. What am I to do with my wrinkly face? Years of not caring about stupid eye creme have now backfired on me! Now I look at my face an...