Yesterday, I ended up at an Irish themed Labor Day party.Huh? One of hubby's work mates who has an irish last name invited him to a party at his apartment. We headed over to Hollywood to check it out an were completely flabbergasted to discover a room full of tiny children yelling and bouncing around. We thought we were at the wrong party but nope the guy who invited hubby appeared with a small, smiling little brown haired boy. After realizing we were at the right house we had one of those OMG moments when we realized that this room was probably going to become our life shortly. Boy was that a weird moment.
So what do you do when u feel like u have entered the twilight zone? You go to the food table. Well, I found a chair in the corner and hubby went to the food table which didn't look too appetizing considering the peanut butter and jelly cookie cutter sculpted sandwiches and juice boxes and cookies. hubby brought back a small plate of food and we plotted our escape as we knew no one except the host. We stayed the obligatory half hour and just as hubby was finishing his second beer someone from hubs worked walked in. It was an editor he knew but didn't speak to much. It took them all of 2 seconds to realize they too didn't know anyone before they migrated over to the friendly familiar face of my hubby.
Upon first introduction, I knew the party was about to get interesting. The gay couple who approached us only had to crack a joke about the kids and they captured our attention. Seems they too felt a bit out of place as they described their normal parties involved pools and hot looking males bodies, not peanut butter cookie cutter shaped sandwiches. Turned out hubby's coworker was actually from Ireland. A true blue Irishman. Not only was he good natured, could tell a good story but he managed to get me to laugh so hard it was al,ost hard to control my bowels. We bonded over entertainment, eagle rocking housing and French food. Two hours and many beers later we found ourselves exiting the party in a better mood than when we had arrived. All I can say is the Irish are a fun bunch to hang out with! At least this Irishman was!
So what do you do when u feel like u have entered the twilight zone? You go to the food table. Well, I found a chair in the corner and hubby went to the food table which didn't look too appetizing considering the peanut butter and jelly cookie cutter sculpted sandwiches and juice boxes and cookies. hubby brought back a small plate of food and we plotted our escape as we knew no one except the host. We stayed the obligatory half hour and just as hubby was finishing his second beer someone from hubs worked walked in. It was an editor he knew but didn't speak to much. It took them all of 2 seconds to realize they too didn't know anyone before they migrated over to the friendly familiar face of my hubby.
Upon first introduction, I knew the party was about to get interesting. The gay couple who approached us only had to crack a joke about the kids and they captured our attention. Seems they too felt a bit out of place as they described their normal parties involved pools and hot looking males bodies, not peanut butter cookie cutter shaped sandwiches. Turned out hubby's coworker was actually from Ireland. A true blue Irishman. Not only was he good natured, could tell a good story but he managed to get me to laugh so hard it was al,ost hard to control my bowels. We bonded over entertainment, eagle rocking housing and French food. Two hours and many beers later we found ourselves exiting the party in a better mood than when we had arrived. All I can say is the Irish are a fun bunch to hang out with! At least this Irishman was!