Man, back in September and October, I thought time was going by so slowly but now that we are in November and half way through it, it seems like time is flying once again. Maybe that has a little bit to do with me being a lady of leisure these days. My doctor put me on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I went into his office all stressed out over the situation at work in early November and he said "this Friday, November 4th, will be your last day." I was like "Excuse me?" Doc put me on disability because stress is bad for the gestational diabetes I already have and for the apparent high blood pressure reading I had that day and some of my tests indicated I was at risk for pre-eclampsia. My new job, is to go to the hospital for neonatal stress tests, twice a week, on Monday's and Thursday's with a weekly OBGYN appointment on Thursday's after my hospital appointment. Throw in some eye doctor appointments with an eye specialist (apparen...
One momma's experiences in the City of Angels.