As part of my job I get to see a lot of movies in advance before they are released to the public. Yesterday, we screened a film that scared the shit out of me. I was shaking for hours after screening the film. I think the thing that got to me the most was that I went in thinking it was going to be a murder mystery and it turned out to be THE EXORCIST. The funny thing was that I've seen THE EXORCIST and wasn't scared because going in I knew I was going to be freaked out so I prepared myself. But there was no preparing for this film. This film looked like one thing and turned out to be another (we normally do that when we know the film is going to suck). But this film, despite scaring the shit out of me was awesome! A total surprise that I could get that scared and a total surprise that it was good. I hadn't read a synopsis and hadn't worked on the trailer yet so I had no idea what to expect. Let me tell you when you get scared at the THE EXORCIST kind of movies you d...
One momma's experiences in the City of Angels.